martes, 13 de abril de 2021


Hi everyone!

Do you want to know where i would like to travel?

There are too many countries that I would love travel to, each one has its charms and its reasons why I love them. Although I have always wanted to go to Egypt, for its great archeological assets, for its interesting culture, captivating mysteries and because I would like to ride a camel. But more than anything, it would be a career development journey; since I am studying archeology and I would like to specialize in Egyptology and decrypt geoglyphs, it´s quite complex, but dreaming is for free, hahaha.

Furthermore, the place I have always wanted to travel to and live in, is Norway. I have a special love for the cold, I love rainy weathers. I have known that it is a developed country, good economic situation and lack of inequality. On the other hand, its landscapes are like out of this planet, its abundant vegetation, and the northern lights would be something incredible to me to see. Besides, its mythological part, probably, is one of my favorites. It is worth mentioning that I love the ‘’Vikings’’ series. I dream being and lining there one day, without a doubt it will be a goal to reach and I look forward achieving it one day.

8 comentarios:

  1. How great are the mysteries behind the development of that kind of ancient knowledge from that civilization...In the middle of the desert!!--I just can´t believe it

  2. It must be fun to ride a camel and it´s good to be able to read hieroglyphics, it would be something from another galaxy haha

  3. I would love to go to Egypt too! let's make a team of archeologists and let's go!

  4. The egypt's piramids and the sphinx are some of the most fascinating wonderers of the ancient world. I can imagine whay so many people wants to travel to that contry

  5. Egypt is doubtlessly the dream of everyone who loves culture, pyramids and mummies. Good choice!

  6. Egypt is a country with a lot of cultural richness, definitely a country to visit.

  7. I chose Morocco, which is a neighboring country to Egypt. See you in Africa!

  8. Norway it's really great, has a beautiful landscapes and culture. I like vikings too...


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