jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

Hii friends!

For me watching movies is an escape from reality, so my favorite movie genre is fantasy. I love the idea of strange worlds, curious creatures, feeling inside worlds I wouldn’t imagine, I love magic, fairies and witches. In addition, the landscape in which these films are developed is wonderful. I also love how these movies teach you things through subjective scenes.

That’s why my favorite movie sagas are Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings. I consider myself Potterhead, I belong to Slytherin’s house, I know it doesn’t sound good, but I’m a good person hahaha. My favorite character is Severus Snape, I loved him from the first minute, I knew he was more than a serious teacher, I always like to see beyond, to see the good things of people and that has also internalized the movies. My favorite film in the Harry Potter saga is the Prisoner of Azkaban, its theme is magnificent, how it unfolds makes me fly my head.

My fanaticism is great, I dream of ever going to the theme park, buying me the uniform of Slytherin although I already have a sweatshirt, and I still wait for my acceptance letter :( Harry Potter it’s life <3

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021

 The truth is that I have not had much chance to travel, I have never traveled outside the country, my family does not have much money, and travel is not something that they care about.

However, 13 years ago, in 2008, when I was 7 years old, my mom, dad and I went with another family on a trip to Chilean South. At first we would go for 2 weeks, but we ended up staying almost 1 month. We stayed in cabanas on the shore of Lake Llanquihue in Pto Varas, where we swam and fished. We toured many beautiful places around, we went to the Osorno volcano, to the Todos los Santos Lake, we also visited the Petrohue falls, a wonderful place!. We also wanted to go to Puerto Montt, where we took pictures in the "Monumento de Los Iracundos". 

But what I liked the most about the trip was our visit to Chiloe, before going, my mom bought me a book of myths and legends of Chiloe, so that I would read them and inform me fantastically where we would be. I remember that we crossed in a ferry and my mom vomited haha!, when arriving at the port, we ate hedgehogs and the truth is that I did not like them. We were lucky that in Castro, a traditional fair was being held, I was delighted, many dancing "trote chilote", we ate Curanto and Chapaleles, neither did I like the chapaleles hahja!, and the best thing about the fair is that there were representations of every myth and legend in the area, there was a giant Caleuche, a Camahueto of my bearing, a Trauco and many more. I have to admit that at first I was scared, at that age you think everything is real hahaha.

I loved that trip and I remember it with great affection, the only thing unfortunate is that when I returned from the trip I received bad news that would change my life.

martes, 13 de abril de 2021


Hi everyone!

Do you want to know where i would like to travel?

There are too many countries that I would love travel to, each one has its charms and its reasons why I love them. Although I have always wanted to go to Egypt, for its great archeological assets, for its interesting culture, captivating mysteries and because I would like to ride a camel. But more than anything, it would be a career development journey; since I am studying archeology and I would like to specialize in Egyptology and decrypt geoglyphs, it´s quite complex, but dreaming is for free, hahaha.

Furthermore, the place I have always wanted to travel to and live in, is Norway. I have a special love for the cold, I love rainy weathers. I have known that it is a developed country, good economic situation and lack of inequality. On the other hand, its landscapes are like out of this planet, its abundant vegetation, and the northern lights would be something incredible to me to see. Besides, its mythological part, probably, is one of my favorites. It is worth mentioning that I love the ‘’Vikings’’ series. I dream being and lining there one day, without a doubt it will be a goal to reach and I look forward achieving it one day.

  Post 8, Holidays imagined? Hello again readers haha I would like to go to as many places as possible, to travel without destination, t...