miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021


I believe with all my soul that a person is always where he has to be and has to know the people he has to know. The universe is wise, it always puts us in the right place.

When I was little, I fantasized about Indiana Jones movies, I wanted to travel all over the world discovering mysteries, but it was just a fantasy.

I did well in math at school, I liked science, what I was doing best in history, but I didn't pay attention to it.

In 3th high school, I became intensely interested in the Investigation Police (PDI), it should be noted that where I live the reality of the armed forces is not like in Santiago, before I did not know about repression and human rights violations on their part. I paid to be able to give the tests, I passed the physical and psychological tests, I invested a lot of time and money in my dream of being  PDI, but unfortunately my family history were bad, I couldn't get in. When I got the news I had depression, I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want anything with studying, college wasn't an option for me because I don't like to study. I even thought about doing military service, hahaha I must admit that at that moment I hated my life.

An important person to me advised me and made me trust myself, that person is no longer with me, but I thank him every day, she made me follow my dreams and that archaeology was not a fantasy, forced me to enroll in the PSU, motivated me in my applications and everything I wanted.

I didn't do college, nor did I study, I come from a municipal school, poor thing, but that didn't stop me from having a very good score, my options were as follows, in the same order.

Archaeology - Uchile


Philosophy- Uchile

Theology- Adventist University

Biology/Entomology- Austral University

Geology- Uchile


I'm glad to be where I am, I thank every single person who interfered in my way, I love the people I met when I entered the race, I opened my eyes, I love my career. <3

4 comentarios:

  1. WOW!! its an amazing change, I hope you are happy studying your career

  2. I’m glad you liked what you’re studying. It’s great how social sciences help us understand the world around us.

  3. I am glad to hear that today you are happy with your career, it is a big change and it is difficult to find motivation after the complications you had, I congratulate you.

  4. depression is not easy to come through. I'm impressed of your courage and how do you superated you...


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