miércoles, 7 de julio de 2021


BLOG 10☝

In elementary and high school, until 1st grade English was super easy for me, and I liked it a lot, besides the teacher was very good, he taught very well and had good methods to increase the vocabulary and those things. But unfortunately in the second year of high school I changed schools, in that school the English teacher was very bad, everything I had learned I forgot, I stopped practicing English, my vocabulary decreased and everything changed for me in that area. Nowadays I have a hard time with English, my vocabulary is not so wide, I have a hard time understanding and reading in English.

As for the English at the university I think it is very inclusive, I like that it starts from low bases, I also like that it has a selection method where you are separated by your level of English and start teaching us from there. I personally feel that the use of Blogs is fun, it is an activity where we are allowed to express ourselves, where we write about interesting things, it allows us to get to know each other and ourselves better, it is unfortunate that because of the academic load we sometimes neglect blogging, but in particular I like the activity and I enjoy doing it. Personally, I need to improve my English in all areas, I need to learn to listen and understand English, to write it, to expand my vocabulary and to speak it. The truth is that outside of English classes I don't make use of the language, I know it is very bad, but I don't know how to put it into practice.

Give me some advice to make English part of my daily life and make it more familiar, I will be very grateful <3

2 comentarios:

  1. that encourages that in some places they do not value English knowing how important it is today.

  2. I recommend you watch the movies in their original language, paying close attention between what is spoken and the "translation" in the subtitles... Look for the lyrics of your favorite songs in English, it's useful to learn vocabulary and try to know the lyrics perfectly helps with pronunciation :)


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