lunes, 12 de julio de 2021


Fame = destruction "The Milodon Cave"

Post 7, free topic


 This semester I had to make several bibliographic reviews, without a doubt one of the topics that most interested me is the Milodon Cave, I think it's good to tell you a little about the interest generated by the cave and the destruction of heritage.

The Milodon Cave is located in the district of Ultima Esperanza, Chilean Southern Patagonia, about 20 kilometers north of Puerto Natales and about 150 meters above sea level.

 Several centuries ago during a reconnaissance expedition, in which a German colonist and a group of workers, discovered remains of skin and bones in an excellent state of preservation inside a cave, which aroused great curiosity, so many scientists and archaeologists developed research in the area, in order to determine the age of the piece of skin, the type of animal to which it belonged, in addition to determining the type of civilization that existed at that time. But along with the interest of the scientific community and their research, numerous looting and clandestine excavations were carried out at the site, which caused irreparable damage to the original soil. As a result, archaeological work established in the area is difficult today, limiting the possibilities of estimating the dating, contextualizing the area, the inhabitants and the extinction of the megafauna. It is important to emphasize that fame, interest, disinformation, and lack of respect for the heritage damage and hinder our work, the human being prefers to have a souvenir rather than respect the ecosystem and scientific research.

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