martes, 13 de julio de 2021


Post 8, Holidays imagined?

Hello again readers haha

I would like to go to as many places as possible, to travel without destination, to discover places. While there are many destinations that I would like to know through archaeology, there are many others that I would like to go to just for the sake of immersing myself in the place and becoming part of it.

For economic reasons I generally do not take vacations and much less trips to far away places, in the summer vacations I work, as a waitress, picking fruit as a seasonal worker, making Thai ice cream, taking care of children, in fact I work in whatever.

I would like to save money to be able to go to the south of Chile, I don't know where specifically, but I would like to travel the southern highway, go to Chiloé, stay a couple of days in that magical island, get involved in its mysterious stories and environment. Take some pictures at the pier of souls, you know, that magical place.

 I love the cold so I would be very comfortable, visit the mylodon cave, which I did several works and I was very intrigued by the contributions that the findings of the cave meant for science. I would also like to tour the marble caverns, the bad thing is that I would never want to leave there hahaha, what a beautiful place, just imagining it gives me chills. My last destination on the trip would be the Paine towers, I imagine how big and majestic they must look from the base. On the way back I would return to Chiloé, to feel its magic for the last time in a long time.

I imagined the trip, what a beautiful journey.

lunes, 12 de julio de 2021


Fame = destruction "The Milodon Cave"

Post 7, free topic


 This semester I had to make several bibliographic reviews, without a doubt one of the topics that most interested me is the Milodon Cave, I think it's good to tell you a little about the interest generated by the cave and the destruction of heritage.

The Milodon Cave is located in the district of Ultima Esperanza, Chilean Southern Patagonia, about 20 kilometers north of Puerto Natales and about 150 meters above sea level.

 Several centuries ago during a reconnaissance expedition, in which a German colonist and a group of workers, discovered remains of skin and bones in an excellent state of preservation inside a cave, which aroused great curiosity, so many scientists and archaeologists developed research in the area, in order to determine the age of the piece of skin, the type of animal to which it belonged, in addition to determining the type of civilization that existed at that time. But along with the interest of the scientific community and their research, numerous looting and clandestine excavations were carried out at the site, which caused irreparable damage to the original soil. As a result, archaeological work established in the area is difficult today, limiting the possibilities of estimating the dating, contextualizing the area, the inhabitants and the extinction of the megafauna. It is important to emphasize that fame, interest, disinformation, and lack of respect for the heritage damage and hinder our work, the human being prefers to have a souvenir rather than respect the ecosystem and scientific research.

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2021


BLOG 10☝

In elementary and high school, until 1st grade English was super easy for me, and I liked it a lot, besides the teacher was very good, he taught very well and had good methods to increase the vocabulary and those things. But unfortunately in the second year of high school I changed schools, in that school the English teacher was very bad, everything I had learned I forgot, I stopped practicing English, my vocabulary decreased and everything changed for me in that area. Nowadays I have a hard time with English, my vocabulary is not so wide, I have a hard time understanding and reading in English.

As for the English at the university I think it is very inclusive, I like that it starts from low bases, I also like that it has a selection method where you are separated by your level of English and start teaching us from there. I personally feel that the use of Blogs is fun, it is an activity where we are allowed to express ourselves, where we write about interesting things, it allows us to get to know each other and ourselves better, it is unfortunate that because of the academic load we sometimes neglect blogging, but in particular I like the activity and I enjoy doing it. Personally, I need to improve my English in all areas, I need to learn to listen and understand English, to write it, to expand my vocabulary and to speak it. The truth is that outside of English classes I don't make use of the language, I know it is very bad, but I don't know how to put it into practice.

Give me some advice to make English part of my daily life and make it more familiar, I will be very grateful <3

Postgraduate studies

Hello! As you know from my previous posts, I am currently studying archaeology, in this discipline, when you don't have several degrees, postgraduate and doctorates you are not valued. In the future I want to do postgraduate studies to specialize in some subject of archeology, I have not decided which one yet, but I really like Egyptology, magic and religious rituals, these are subjects that have caught my attention for a long time, that's why I am currently taking an online course of Egyptology and another of magic in the Middle Ages taught by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, although it is not a big deal, I hope it will be a plus for my career in the future.

I would very much like to continue my studies full time abroad, in prestigious universities, places where I have never been, where my knowledge is taken seriously and where I can reflect, propose and learn knowledge with people with the same aspirations that I have, I would like to study at the University of Cambridge and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

What limits me is the economic support, so I would have to wait for scholarships, it is also difficult because of the language issue, but I hope someday to handle a language well and to be able to manage abroad without problems, to be an influential person within the discipline.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2021


Since I was little I always liked being outside, the outdoors, the hill, nature. Every part where I went I would collect objects that were interesting to me, sometimes they were leaves, sometimes stones and sometimes some strange objects that I found.

I think I've always knew that for the rest of my life I would have to work on something outdoors, a job that would allow me to be out for a long time. When it came time to decide on the career I wanted to study, it's one of those long conversations with my parents, when my mom insisted that I be a nurse or doctor, I told them, "I can't be the rest of my life inside four walls, that wouldn't be a good life for me, I would be unhappy."

I always longed for a job that would allow me to travel a lot, to know, never to stop learning about different things, I have a curious mind that wants to become a know-it-all.

The truth is that I have always wanted to live well, I come from a humble family, where we never had money, but we never lacked to eat, with regard to salary I would like to be able to stay unrestricted and at the same time maintain my parents, that they never again have to work, I take care of giving them everything they gave me , may their lives be enjoyed and rested.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021


I believe with all my soul that a person is always where he has to be and has to know the people he has to know. The universe is wise, it always puts us in the right place.

When I was little, I fantasized about Indiana Jones movies, I wanted to travel all over the world discovering mysteries, but it was just a fantasy.

I did well in math at school, I liked science, what I was doing best in history, but I didn't pay attention to it.

In 3th high school, I became intensely interested in the Investigation Police (PDI), it should be noted that where I live the reality of the armed forces is not like in Santiago, before I did not know about repression and human rights violations on their part. I paid to be able to give the tests, I passed the physical and psychological tests, I invested a lot of time and money in my dream of being  PDI, but unfortunately my family history were bad, I couldn't get in. When I got the news I had depression, I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want anything with studying, college wasn't an option for me because I don't like to study. I even thought about doing military service, hahaha I must admit that at that moment I hated my life.

An important person to me advised me and made me trust myself, that person is no longer with me, but I thank him every day, she made me follow my dreams and that archaeology was not a fantasy, forced me to enroll in the PSU, motivated me in my applications and everything I wanted.

I didn't do college, nor did I study, I come from a municipal school, poor thing, but that didn't stop me from having a very good score, my options were as follows, in the same order.

Archaeology - Uchile


Philosophy- Uchile

Theology- Adventist University

Biology/Entomology- Austral University

Geology- Uchile


I'm glad to be where I am, I thank every single person who interfered in my way, I love the people I met when I entered the race, I opened my eyes, I love my career. <3

jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

Hii friends!

For me watching movies is an escape from reality, so my favorite movie genre is fantasy. I love the idea of strange worlds, curious creatures, feeling inside worlds I wouldn’t imagine, I love magic, fairies and witches. In addition, the landscape in which these films are developed is wonderful. I also love how these movies teach you things through subjective scenes.

That’s why my favorite movie sagas are Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings. I consider myself Potterhead, I belong to Slytherin’s house, I know it doesn’t sound good, but I’m a good person hahaha. My favorite character is Severus Snape, I loved him from the first minute, I knew he was more than a serious teacher, I always like to see beyond, to see the good things of people and that has also internalized the movies. My favorite film in the Harry Potter saga is the Prisoner of Azkaban, its theme is magnificent, how it unfolds makes me fly my head.

My fanaticism is great, I dream of ever going to the theme park, buying me the uniform of Slytherin although I already have a sweatshirt, and I still wait for my acceptance letter :( Harry Potter it’s life <3

  Post 8, Holidays imagined? Hello again readers haha I would like to go to as many places as possible, to travel without destination, t...